Thursday, July 31, 2008


by Matt Vekasy

Now you may be wondering what Tooleden is. Well Tool is a definition of a gardening hoe and Eden is a garden. So this is a review of my own homebrew I call Tooleden or "Hoegaarden"

Tooleden is a Belgian white brewed with coriander and bitter orange peel. It does not pour as straw colored as Hoegaarden, but rather with a bit more of an orangish hue. It poured with a great head and the aroma is very much like a wheat beer. It tastes very much of a wheat beer with a hint of orange and the beer burp definitely has an orange taste.

Now you can't find this beer at your local beer store, but if you come to Boston I've still got about 40+ bottles left as of this posting.

(On a side note, I also have my Oktoberfest in my primary fermenter and I am thinking of brewing a Black Cherry Espresso Stout for the winter)

FG: 1.011
ABV: 4.56%
(Recipe and notes available upon request)

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